Tuesday 3 September 2019

ZL3/CB-617 Un-named summit West of Mt Thomas

Another winter walk on a fine day. This summit is reached after a 2 1/2 hour climb through forest and native bush. It's quite a challenging walk - a reasonable level of fitness is required.
John ZL3MR came with me on this one and we used his HF gear to try it all out.
 There were a number of trees down along the track and it was quite muddy in places.

 John operating HF in the background, antenna pole bungied to the summit marker (waratah) in the foreground. Yes, that's snow on the ground!

 View towards Mt Oxford with the Southern Alps in the background. Not a bad day for the day day of winter!
Panorama of the Canterbury Plains with the Port Hills in the background. It's a tough walk but well worth it!

We made a good number of contacts on 40/20m SSB and 2m FM. Highlight was working Tony VK3CAT summit to summit on an 8 point Victorian mountain! Other S2S with Rick ZL3RIK, Ian ZL3GIG and John ZL1BYZ.

I will add this one to my annual must-do list. It's quite a grunt but well worth the effort and quite close to home. It's 20m higher than Mt Thomas - hence why it is designated as the SOTA peak.