Ian ZL3GIG describes this as a Champagne summit on Banks Peninsula - I have to agree (but couldn't find the bottle!).
On private land, access is readily granted by the farmer via text message the day before. Even though it's only 43 km away across Pegasus Bay, it's a 100 km drive to get there!
Ian's Blog has all the details you need so check it out.
View across the bay to home! |
Forecast was for 25 degrees and light winds, sounds good right?!
I parked at the sheep yards and started walking. Unlike Ian, I turned left at the strainer post with Number 8 on it and followed the farm track up to where the spur meets the road. Through the gate and straight up the spur to the summit through another gate. No fences need to be climbed on this route (gpx file posted on Sota Summits Track Page) and it's a fairly gentle ascent up the spur. Total walking time from the yards just under an hour. It's a good walk, well within the capabilities of your average SOTA ham.
View of Little Akaloa bay and Kaikoura in the distance from the final gate, just before the summit |
Looking South, Mt Pearce on right (with tower), Duvauchelle Peak (centre) |
The views from the summit really are spectacular, justifying a panorama really :-)
The farmers have provided nice sturdy steps to the actual summit!
I was way earlier than expected so work a couple of locals (Geoff and Bill) on 2m but couldn't raise anyone else. Mild panic, the first time I haven't managed to activate on 2m!
The wind was blowing strongly from the North East so I set up the HF antenna pole in the lee of the summit for a bit of shelter. Even so, the gusts were threatening to snap it so I pulled it down again and guyed it (only the second time I've had to do that).
Antenna de jour was a new 66' (20m) endfed inverted vee. 1/2 wave on 40m, full wave on 20m, close to resonance on 30m and 17m and 3 1/2 waves on 15m. Coupled to the radio with a home-made EFHW transformer coupler, it tuned up nicely on all bands with no need for the KX2's inbuilt tuner.
Coupler with antenna (yellow) rubber banded to my pack for strain relief. Counterpoise (top) and choked coax (left). |
Antenna running North-South |
Fired up on 40m CW and started calling - first contact was Bill again, I still needed 2! Changed to 30m and called, worked Bill again ( still mildly worried!) and then Don ZL3DMC and Allen VK3ARH for #4. Phew! I then worked John ZL1BYZ and Jacky ZL1WA S2S. N7MQ called me on 17m and then Andrew VK1DA for another S2S. I stuck it out until the UTC rollover, worked a few repeat callers and then packed down as the wind was starting to move around to the NW and get really strong.
The walk down was uneventful apart from having to grab my hat on occasion to avoid losing it and some light spillover rain. It was about 30 minutes back to the car.
Access permission required from Joanna - 0274557341, send her your name and callsign asking for access to the summit. She's a lady of few words - her reply will be brief!
Drive to Little Akaloa (about 1.5 hours from Christchurch), turn right onto Chorlton Road, Turn right to stay on Chorlton Roand and veer right onto View Hill Road.
Park at the Stock Yards on the right (unless you have a 4WD in which case you can carry on).
Walk (or drive) up the farm road until you get to an intersection with a white strainer post and another post with number 8 beside it. Park here if driving. Turn left and walk up the track until you get to the 2nd gate at the bottom of the spur. Through the two gates and straight up the spur to the summit. There's another gate near the summit.
Phone access: 4G (Spark) OK at the summit
All Canterbury repeaters within range
Walking Time: 1 hour from the stock yards to the summit, 30 minutes descent.