Sunday, 30 June 2019

Trig M 29 June 2019

This rather unimaginatively named hill is a great walk. Located in the Korowai/Torlesse Tussocklands Park and accessed from State Highway 73 at Starvation Gully on the western side of Porters Pass it is 1251m ASL. The summit has fantastic views of the alps and Lake Lyndon and lots of snow around, it was a good day. The strong westerly wind foiled my HF plans - it was a solo activation so I am always a little more cautious. Wind chill was a factor- there is no ability to shelter from the westerly as the summit drops off steeply on the eastern side.
Looking West at the head of Lake Lyndon and SH73

VHF coverage was good to Christchurch and the other activators, Ian on Flag Peak, Rick on Lavericks and Mark on Mt Oxford. I made 10 contacts in all and once again am thankful we have such a loyal band of 2m chasers around Canterbury.
View to the East, North Canterbury, Christchurch and the Port Hills in the background
I look forward to doing this one again with less wind! At the southern end of Lake Lyndon is another un-named summit, ZL3/CB-570 which I am keen to activate soon.
Southern end of Lake Lyndon and CB-570 on the left. You can just see the Lyndon Lodge on the lake edge

Another enjoyable day in the Canterbury High Country. Lots of others taking advantage as well judging by the 9 cars parked at the side of the road. Only saw two other parties, both whilst I was descending.